Tuesday, July 09, 2002

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Below is a partial description of the chariteristics of the interface which may be needed in order to read text in "color only format" or "color tone" format as they are presented in the animated view. It will not however be needed in order to impliment phase 1. All that is needed there is a color coded font set, and a word processor that will support it.

The cybertext interface; ie:


The interface Its self should be of a brouser format with tool bar and address cababilities, as well as a few new features taylored to the specific needs of animated text reading. Among these new features needed is a "Start, Stop" button to begin animated format of text which will probably arive and initially be coded in conventional font script. As suggested in related and linked pages the speed at which the "words fly at you " should be determined by some method of positioning the mouse either forward (above) stop (center) and reverse (below) some central and pre determined position. the idea here is the farther forward the mouse is located above this position of center the faster the text will present its self in sequence to the reader. with this said it may be necissary to create a sub program with a sole purpous of allowing the user to calibrate exactly how the mouse will behave in this sence, or at least give them a couple of different choices. it may be that the "right click button" may serve the purpous of starting or stoping animation mode or perhaps it should be reserved for speed selection confirmation (I dont know Ill leave that one up to you ) also the color scheme as it should be standardised should also be allowed to be customized by the user in case of colorblindness or pure personal preferance this could also be used as a security measure to avoid an un wanted snooper from peeking over your sholder while you are trying to read confidential information. allot of good it would do him if he didnt know your color code. I have not had a chance to determin how easy It would be for a person to change to a new color scheme once adapting to the first, (my guess is it can be done) I believe it might be difficult though ( I guess we will see).

Ill add more as i can think of them, there are many.

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
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